At the Aug 18, 2024 Mid-Creston meeting, we voted as a group to organize the neighborhood as a Firewise neighborhood.
Sara framed the topic. Michel made a quick presentation:
- There are advantages to becoming a Firewise neighborhood
- We are the last piece of the Berkeley Hills ridge missing when looking at the Shasta-to-Summit-reservoir ridge line:
Eric led the discussion. We voted unanimously to become a Firewise neighborhood.
Some links:
- IBHS certification program: Wildfire Prepared Home, a Program of IBHS - Resources
- Berkeley’s Preparing Property for Wildfire page: Preparing Property for Wildfire | City of Berkeley
- Firewise USA pages: NFPA - Firewise USA®
Many CA cities and counties publish information about wildfire preparation. The one Michel likes best is Marin (but there are many more). In particular, I like to look at all the plant lists that different cities publish.
- the full checklist for the Berkeley Fire Ordinance [PDF]
BerkeleyFireInspection_DSI-Self-Inspection+Checklist-Sm.pdf (183.0 KB) - the full checklist for the new IBHS insurance consortium’s fire certification [PDF]. As a reminder, there are two levels: the first one, Base, we can all go for. The second one, Plus, is much more costly.
IBHS_WPH-How-To-Prepare-My-Home-Checklist-Sm.pdf (328.7 KB)