Address or registration discussion required

This thread is for users whose address needs to be discussed with ops prior to promotion to consumer, because it has a Google Map problem or another issue with registration data.

@lindab, welcome to!

We are ready to upgrade you to consumer, but need to discuss an address detail with you. A dispatcher will call you!

Hi Michel,

It was a pleasure to speak with you! Thank you so much for this magnanimous gesture of

support to elders in the community.

I will be out for a walk in a minute but have not yet received the consumer email…realize it

may be coming in a bit as you likely have administrative details to clear up. I look forward to

ordering my first meal!

[edited personal info]


@lindab, I just upgraded you to consumer! You can order today before 5pm and get your first meals tomorrow: please ask any questions online (faster) or on our phone helpline: we will do all we need to help you through your first order (and of course, through the others too!).

@marissamax, can you please give us your phone number(s)? We cannot deliver to you without a valid phone number.

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Hi @paulette,
I can’t find your address on Google Maps. The address you gave us was 529 gains ave. Can you please reply to this post and confirm that this is your address, or let us know if it needs to be fixed?

Thanks so much,

Hi @dcc4529,
When you signed up to order meals you let us know that you live in a condo, and I was wondering if there is any extra address information that a delivery person would need to deliver your meals. If there is a door number, staircase, or anything else a driver might need to be aware of, it would be great if you could reply to this post and let us know!

Thank you so much,

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