Delivery confirmation?

Hi. We ordered our first Ration yesterday, for delivery today. Is there a place where this is confirmed on this web site? Or do we just sit tight and hope for the best? :wink:


It would be hard for us to publish orders without privacy concerns.

But… What orders you passed we will deliver :slight_smile:

It came at 6:14. Was just puzzled that no confirmation but I totally get the privacy constrains. Thanks again for doing this!


It is truly a pleasure, @Gil_Jane! And—I am very happy to see that the delivery was smooth!

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Hi MichelThouati:
Thank you for your reply to Gil_Jane. I too wondered about the next-day delivery procedure. Was it confirmed, would it arrive, that’s a 1-1/2 to 2 hour delivery window. I just had a few of these thoughts. I ordered for the 1st time last week for my mother who is sip in her house. She is hard of hearing but keeps her cell with her most of the time. That’s how I reach her. I know she was eagerly awaiting the HelpBerkeley delivery so she was keeping watch. She missed the doorbell at first. The driver rang the door again and she came to retrieve the drop off. She said the driver was kind and waited, then waved at her from across the street to ensure she received her ration. Thank you for all of the above.Just one question, is it possible to opt for the driver to call or text the senior at home, upon delivery, as a way of letting them know their meal has arrived (instead of door bell)? Just asking. In any event thank you again for all of this.

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I am so glad that this worked out for your mom!

Yes. In fact, this is part of the regular process: if the driver does not see the member picking up the food, they must call. If you mom had rather the driver texts, her, we could put it in the delivery details. Also, we can reinforce the need to call your mom in the delivery details as well, just in case the drvier forgets. Is the present account hers?

Oh perfect, I didn’t know that calling the recipient was actually the procedure. I wasn’t complaining re the driver. In fact your driver was super courteous, rang the doorbell and patiently waited, waved and confirmed the delivery was received. Yes, the 2 cell #s you have on file are my cell and my mother’s. It is her account. I manage it for her. A phone call to either cell # will get the message to us that the delivery is out front. Thank you again, you’re all wonderful.


No idea why we got this. We didn’t send any emails about mom’s, and didn’t see any “reply” from Thouati.

@Gil_Jane, this is why: your post is the beginning of a thread. Others are replying to it and following up, and you receive their posts.

If you don’t want to receive anything further on that post, you can login, scroll down to the bottom left, click on the dropdown called “Watching”, and select “Normal” or “Muted”, as shown below:


Thanks Michel. Hopefully that works!

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