Three year Action Plan

Our Action Plan was certified by Firewise USA in January 2025.

Year 1 – 2025

Education and Outreach Goals

  1. Host community outreach event to introduce and promote Firewise Community goals: Education and Outreach, Home Hardening, Fuel Reduction and Evacuation Planning and Wildlife Preparedness. Explain why our priority in the first year is home hardening and the 0-5’ Immediate Zone.

  2. Host quarterly Firewise Community meetings for ongoing coordination and organization of community efforts.

  3. Conduct a wildfire-related education/information meeting with a subject matter expert to improve awareness of wildfire risks. In particular, include information on ember storms and the need to screen soffit vents.

  4. Develop a tracking system for time, money and vegetation removed. Specifically, track volunteer hours for the following: education and outreach, fuel reduction, the community event or other meetings related to Firewise. Track money spent on home hardening (e.g. new roof, replacing vents}, or money paid for fuel reduction work. Finally track or estimate the number of cubic yards of vegetation removed.

  5. Partner with the Berkeley Fire Department to obtain signage at community boundaries.

  6. Develop a Firebreakers Website to post fire safety and preparedness information resources (e.g. evacuation maps), education materials and community/homeowners’ accomplishments.

  7. Establish a community email list and spreadsheet with contact information.

  8. Obtain information and education materials from the Berkeley Fire Department, Calfire, and NFPA for website and distribution.

  9. Implement mail-outs to neighbors with educational materials about the threats of community wildfires and ways to reduce risk.

Home Hardening Goals

  1. Organize a soffit vent workday. Neighbors sign up in advance to have their soffit vents screened with 1/16” metal mesh screen. Provide workers and ask neighbors to pay a nominal fee for having this work done by a construction crew.

  2. Work with residents to improve the number of homes that removed flammable materials and reduce plant material in the 0-5’ zone. Clear flammable materials such as lawn furniture from under eaves and move away from structures, especially during Red Flay wind events.

  3. Remove dead vegetation and combustible debris on roofs and in gutters. Encourage residents to keep their roofs and gutters clear of debris.

Defensible Space / Fuel Reduction Goals
1.Recommend the following actions to neighbors:

a. Limb up all trees to a minimum of 6-10 feet off the ground.

b. Create a 5-foot ember resistant zone from the structure with mineral soil, cement, crushed rock, or another non-combustible material.

c. Clear duff and litter beneath large stands of trees.

d. Remove fuel ladders that create an uninterrupted fuel pathway for fire to move into vertical fuels.

e. Limb all trees a minimum of 5 feet from rooflines and 10 feet from chimneys and stovepipes.

f. Remove flammable landscaping such as bamboo, juniper, rosemary, Italian cypress and pappas grass in the 0-5’ area from dwellings.

g. Thin and maintain all other vegetation in the 0-5’ area from the dwelling with emphasis on reducing roadside fuels.

h. Maintain and thin decorative plantings immediately adjacent to homes to limit the amount of decadent woody material near vents and under eaves.

i. Trim lower portions of decorate plantings to create an air gap and facilitate maintenance of dead material on the ground under the plant.

2.Arrange for neighborhood vegetation bins in June for a fuel reduction work day.

Evacuation Planning (Ex. Preparedness & Routing) and Wildfire Preparedness

  1. Develop a neighborhood evacuation plan and conduct an annual virtual evacuation drill.

  2. Encourage all neighbors to sign up for the following emergency notifications:

a. Alameda County Alert Evacuation Warning System at****.

b. COB Wildfire Evacuation Website at http:/www.cityofberkeleyonfo/wildfireevacuation/

c. Download the Everbridge Mobile App

d. Know your Zone Campaign, now known as Genasys Protect (

Year 2 - 2026

Education and Outreach Goals

  1. Continue with quarterly meetings and tracking requirements Year 1 tasks 2 and 4.

  2. Focus on outreach to expand community and gain new Firewise households.

  3. Recruit community member volunteers to perform home tours showcasing home hardening and fuel reduction accomplishments.

  4. Conduct home hazard assessments in conjunction with the Berkeley Fire Department.

  5. Host a fuel reduction day June 2026

  6. Post progress and achievements on website.

  7. Update Firewise community members on Action Plan progress and achievements at meetings, on website and through email.

Home Hardening Goals

  1. Continue Year 1 home hardening tasks, as above.

Defensible Space / Fuel Reduction Goals

  1. Continue Year 1 fuel reduction tasks, as above.

  2. Focus on fuel reduction in the 0-5’ Immediate Zone and the Intermediate Zone 5’-30’ from home, including:

a. Create fuel breaks with driveways, walkways, paths, patios and decks.

b. Remove ladder fuels beneath trees that create an uninterrupted fuel pathway for fire to move into trees.

  1. Arrange for neighborhood vegetation bins for a community fuel reduction day in June.

Evacuation Planning (Ex. Preparedness & Routing) and Wildfire Preparedness
1.Continue Year 1 evacuation planning and wildfire preparedness tasks, as above.

Year 3 - 2027

Education and Outreach Goals

  1. Update community on Action Plan progress and achievements.

  2. Host Firewise Community quarterly meeting for ongoing coordination and organization of community efforts.

  3. Conduct a wildfire-related education/information meeting with a subject-matter expert to improve awareness and answer neighbors’ questions regarding wildfire risks.

  4. Update Firebreakers Community website to post latest fire safety and preparedness information, resources, accomplishments.

  5. Track hours, money spent and vegetation removed.

  6. Bring in an expert to educate neighbors about fire preparedness including: ensuring street number are clearly marked on house and street curb, track evacuation needs and details on community contact list, creating a home inventory to help settle claims efficiently, discuss homeowners’ insurance policy requirements, encourage an annual insurance policy review.

Home Hardening Goals

  1. Continue Year 1 home hardening tasks, as above.

Defensible Space / Fuel Reduction Goals

  1. Continue Year 1 and Year 2 fuel reduction tasks, as above

  2. Additionally, direct neighbors to address the 30’-100’ Zone on their properties applying the fuel reduction principals of the 5-30’ Zone to a larger area.

  3. Volunteer participation in neighborhood risk reduction activities for residents physically unable to do the work themselves.

  4. Arrange for neighborhood vegetation bins for a community fuel reduction day June, 2027.

Evacuation Planning (Ex. Preparedness & Routing) and Wildfire Preparedness

  1. Continue Year 1 evacuation planning and wildfire preparedness, as above.
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