Hi @BoSpeirs, welcome to HelpBerkeley.org and thanks very much for volunteering!
Our dispatchers have made you a event logistics volunteer, so now you can access the meal logistics category on the website. I also replied to your email directly!
For our Thanksgiving and their Holiday runs, we have, for full shifts or for 3-hour shifts:
- On Sunday 11/21 from 10:00am to 3:00pm, food preppers and packers (prep, pack, clean) in a very congenial atmosphere!
- On Monday 11/22 from 10:00am till ?, food preppers and packers (prep, pack, clean). Chef Alan leads the cooking, while our experienced packing leads organize pack teams.
- On Wednesday 11/24 from 11:00am to 3:00pm, driver pickup managers (organize drivers and driver traffic, load vehicles)
What schedule works best for you? Please reply to this post and let us know! And I look forward to volunteering with you: I will be at most of these shifts also.