ChrisLu event volunteer

Hi @ChrisLu, welcome to and thanks very much for volunteering!

You mentioned in your email that you and your 2 daughters would be available all day on Monday 11/22 for packing and on Wednesday 11/24 for pickup management. Pickup management on Wednesday will take place roughly 11am-3pm, so we will definitely sign you up for that.

Food packaging on Monday 11/22 will start around 11am and there will be two back-to-back 3-hour shifts. You are welcome to do the first shift, the second shift, or both! Let me know what you want to do!

Thank you again for volunteering your time with us, we’re glad to have you on board!

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Would love to to the earlier shift starting @ 11a on Monday 11/22. Then 11-3p on Wednesday 11/24 works for us. Please lmk where we should show up & if there are any clothing requirements.
Thanks so much,