Meal 1
Turkey with gravy, stuffing and roasted sweet potatoes
Vegetarian: Pesto Pasta
Meal 2
Vegetable Chow Mein with tofu, roasted cabbage and spiced roasted carrots
Meal 3
Vegetable quiche with spiced garbanzo beans
Meal 1
Turkey with gravy, stuffing and roasted sweet potatoes
Vegetarian: Pesto Pasta
Meal 2
Vegetable Chow Mein with tofu, roasted cabbage and spiced roasted carrots
Meal 3
Meal 1: Chicken thighs in turmeric, with cinnamon-roasted carrots and rice
(or alternative vegetarian dish from the freezer)
Meal 2: Fettuccini pasta in garlic and tomato sauce, with tomatoes, clams, wine and vegan sausage
(or alternative vegetarian dish from the freezer)
Meals 3 (vegetarian): Tofu and peanuts in zaatar (Middle Eastern spices), with garbanzos and black beans in garlic sauce, and a dressed cucumber, pepper and tomato salad.
3/28 Menu
(unfortunately, our pictures ended up very small )
Meal 1: Pasta with spiced tomato sauce and beef meatballs, with quinoa, caramelized onions and fresh tomatoes
Meal 2: Chicken in sauce, with rice, wheat berries in soy sauce, and young roasted asparagus
Meal 3: Chli and polenta with a fresh salad of avocado, cucumber and tomatoes