Itregub driver

Hi @itregub, welcome to and thanks very much for volunteering!

Our dispatchers have made you a driver, so now you can access the driver-only subcategories (subcats) on the website.

FAQ: what an event driver needs to know

We will be contact you shortly to schedule a 30-minute event driver training session on Zoom. Please be sure to have read through your FAQ first!

Unfortunately, we already have booked all our drivers for our Thanksgiving run tomorrow 11/25, but we will be running a major delivery run on Thursday 12/23 for Christmas: will you be able to drive with us that day?

Thank you for again for volunteering your time with us, we’re glad to have you on board!

Thanks! Yes, that works for me!

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Hi @itregub, just wanted to check in with you and see if you are still available for our 12/23 Christmas run as we are starting to put together the run details. Let me know!

Sorry for the delayed response, yes that still works for me!

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@itregub, great we’ll put you down!