Wolfjjj meals

Hi @wolfjjjj, welcome to Help Berkeley!

You registered to receive meals from the restaurants in our program: I made you a consumer on the site. This means that you can now see consumer-only areas of the site.

Here is a link for pointers on your first meal order (you’ll be given instructions as to how to order a meal):

Note: this link is only clickable by registered consumers.

If anything in the process is unclear, and if you need to ask questions, please reply to this thread, or create a new topic in the subcategory /Support/Questions/.

Our restaurant partners are still learning the system. Please remind them to take your phone number when you call, if they don’t take it automatically.

Please send us feedback so we can improve what we can. To send feedback, you can reply to this thread, or create a new topic in the subcategory /Support/Feedback/. Thanks very much!

We apologize for the confusion! We are working very hard to make it simpler to order. Yesterday we changed our registration process, and we are in the process of making sure that all parts of the site properly refer to the new process as they should.

[EDIT] I removed your personal information from your post. We already have them from your registration, thank you!