Please volunteer to dispatch by posting here

Welcome to, we’re glad to have you!

Our mission is to feed individuals at-risk for COVID-19, who are sick, in self-isolation, or in quarantine. We have made agreements with local restaurants to provide rations (dinner plus next day lunch) for $10 plus tax, that we deliver every day for free to our members.

As a dispatcher, you will play a central role at Dispatchers are applied to many roles on the site (you will not be doing all of these, don’t worry!):

  • provide tech support to our customers (often older adults unfamiliar with online tech),
  • manage ration deliveries,
  • design marketing programs to reach out to those who may need our help, and
  • help organize the site and workflow.

We need to work very hard at making it possible to scale HelpBerkeley to 1,000 meals a day or more

Please volunteer as a dispatcher and help control this pandemic in our town: register on the site, then reply to this thread!

Also, if you are a BHS student, please include this in your message so we can add you to BHS student group on the forum.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Fruit_salad and susanne can dispatch

Hi there, thanks for organizing this effort. I’m happy to help with dispatch duties.

Hey @maya welcome to the site, thanks so much for volunteering your time!

I just made you a dispatcher and a driver, so you can now see the dispatcher and driver-only subcategories (subcats) of the website.

Your first task is to familiarize yourself with the site. The best way to do that is to read the New dispatcher welcome (only accessible by dispatchers). Create a new topic in the /Dispatch/ category (found on the main page of the site) if you have any questions, and I or another staff member will explain anything :slight_smile: .

After that, please find your way into the Dispatch General area: can you discuss your availability with us? I tagged you in the Dispatcher Availability thread.

Thank you again so much for your time!

I can’t drive but I’d love to help dispatch. I’m also a BHS student. Thanks!


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Hi @neisa welcome, thanks so much signing up!

I just made you a dispatcher, so you can now see the dispatcher (subcats) of the website.

Your first task is to familiarize yourself with the site. The best way to do that is to read the New dispatcher welcome (only accessible by dispatchers). Create a new topic in the /Dispatch/ category (found on the main page of the site) if you have any questions, and I or another staff member will explain anything :slight_smile: .

After that, please find your way into the Dispatch General area: can you discuss your availability with us? I tagged you in the Dispatcher Availability thread.

Thank you again so much for your time!

Thank you so much for organizing this! I would love to be a dispatcher. I’m a BHS student as well.


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No, thank you @liannaleung, people volunteering makes all the difference!

I just made you a dispatcher, so you can now see the dispatcher (subcats) of the website.

Your first task is to familiarize yourself with the site. The best way to do that is to read the New dispatcher welcome (only accessible by dispatchers). Create a new topic in the /Dispatch/ category (found on the main page of the site) if you have any questions, and I or another staff member will explain anything :slight_smile: .

After that, please find your way into the Dispatch General area: can you discuss your availability with us? I tagged you in the Dispatcher Availability thread.

Thank you again so much for your time!

Hello, I also would love to be a dispatcher. I’m a BHS student too.

  • Paola
    (how do you change the username?)
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Hi @PaolaB, welcome to the site!

I changed your username, don’t worry :slight_smile: .

I just made you a dispatcher, so you can now see the dispatcher (subcats) of the website.

Your first task is to familiarize yourself with the site. The best way to do that is to read the New dispatcher welcome (only accessible by dispatchers). Create a new topic in the /Dispatch/ category (found on the main page of the site) if you have any questions, and I or another staff member will explain anything :slight_smile: .

After that, please find your way into the Dispatch General area: can you discuss your availability with us? I tagged you in the Dispatcher Availability thread.

Thank you again so much for your time!

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I may be able to help with dispatch tasks.

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Hi @Beth, welcome to the site!

Thanks so much for volunteering with us!

I just made you a dispatcher, so you can now see the dispatcher subcategories (subcats) of the website.

Your first task is to familiarize yourself with the site. The best way to do that is to read the New dispatcher welcome (only accessible by dispatchers). Create a new topic in the /Dispatch/ category (found on the main page of the site) if you have any questions, and I or another staff member will explain anything :slight_smile: .

After that, please find your way into the Dispatch Outreach area: I tagged you there (with a @).

Thank you again so much for your time!

Hi, Im Daniel and I am a student at BHS who would love to help with any dispatching needed!!

Hey @Daniel, welcome to Help Berkeley! Glad to have you on board!

Thanks so much for volunteering with us!

I just made you a dispatcher, so you can now see the dispatcher subcategories (subcats) of the website.

Your first task is to familiarize yourself with the site. The best way to do that is to read the New dispatcher welcome (only accessible by dispatchers). Create a new topic in the /Dispatch/ category (found on the main page of the site) if you have any questions, and I or another staff member will explain anything :slight_smile: .

After that, please find your way into the Dispatch Outreach area: I tagged you there (with a @).

Thank you again!

I can volunteer to be a dispatcher

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I can volunteer to dispatch. I cannot drive but I can transport locally using a bicycle if needed and if it is possible.

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I am available to be a dispatcher. Please let me know. Thanks.

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Hi, I’m Josie.
I would like to volunteer as a dispatcher. Thanks


@ksksks1 and @bewell, I’m sorry for the long wait. It looks like the website platform flagged you both as robots, so your posts were invisible to us. Now we see you.

Anyways, thank you for volunteering for us, welcome to Help Berkeley!

I have made you both dispatchers, so you can now see the dispatcher subcategories (subcats) of the website.

Your first task is to familiarize yourself with the site. The best way to do that is to read the New dispatcher welcome (only accessible by dispatchers). Create a new topic in the /Dispatch/ category (found on the main page of the site) if you have any questions, and I or another staff member will explain anything :slight_smile: .

After that, please find your way into the Dispatch Outreach area: I tagged you there (with a @).

Thank you again!

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Hello, My name is Benjamin I would like to help with route planning.

Thank you!