Hi, I live in a large gated condo comples, and it takes me about 5-10 minutes to get from my building down to the street. Would I need to get to the curbside for my food delivery? If so, could I get a warning call so I have time to mask up and get down to the curbside?
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Yes Because we send our drivers to 5-10 deliveries per night, we don’t want them to walk into condo buildings since the risk of exposure to COVID-19 is quite a bit higher, and would put the later customers at more risk.
Absolutely! Our driver will call you ahead of time, one delivery ahead, so as to give you time to meet them at the door.
If you live at Redwood Gardens, and you are closer to the back of the building, the driver can also meet you at the back! If that is so, why don’t you call our helpline and ask for Michel: we will make that change in your profile.
Thanks for getting back to me!
Thanks again,
Thanks very much!
I edited your message to take out your private information.
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